Outrigger is dedicated to building environmental and economic resilience and driving nature-positive outcomes across ocean states by catalysing the blue economy and enhancing the sustainability of ocean resources.

Outrigger is an innovative blue economy impact solution that provides capital and capacity to projects in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It addresses the unique climate, environmental, social and economic challenges that SIDS face by identifying successful business models, transferring expertise and aggregating projects to scale them up and crowd in additional private capital.

Our Purpose

What We Do


Catalytic capital to island states at the forefront of climate change to build environmental and economic resilience


Investor value and climate impact by directly investing in companies, projects, and infrastructure, leveraging the ocean to solve the climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises


Transactions to accelerate and leverage impact capital in ocean states and to crowd in co-investment both private and public to projects

Areas of Focus

Outrigger focuses on six key blue economic sectors designed to support SIDS economies, communities, and ecosystems to become more resilient in the face of a changing climate

Ocean Conservation & Ecotourism

Investment into projects to improve biodiversity and resilience in coastal communities, marine protected areas, ecotourism, payments for ecosystem services and Blue Carbon.

Sustainable Seafood

Capital and technical resources for best practice aquaculture, wild-caught seafood businesses and supply chains that can be certified sustainable and access high-value markets domestically and  globally.

Circular Economy & Blue Technology

Businesses that leverage ocean assets or directly prevent ocean degradation by using innovative new techniques or technologies such as plastic upcycling and waste management.

Sustainable Blue Infrastructure

Technologies and efficiencies, including green/blue solutions to freight, passenger shipping, green ports and coastal defence.

Ocean-Based Renewable Energy

 Wind, wave, solar and tidal power where the investment provides innovation or uniquely leverages the Ocean without detriment to biodiversity.


Investment into integrated solutions between agriculture, sustainable forestry and land use recognising the importance of watersheds, run off and coastal management

Meet the Team

  • Simon Dent

    Managing Director

  • Jeremy Milward

    Managing Director

  • Emma Lear

    Head of ESG & Impact

  • Abigail Mottur

    Impact Finance Associate

Contact Us

Discuss how we can collaborate to sustain the oceans and its communities.